Teles Pires Plant

The Teles Pires HEP, which began operating in the second half of 2015, is located on the border between the cities of Paranaíta (MT) and Jacareacanga (PA), in an area called Cachoeira Sete Quedas and has an installed capacity of 1,819.8 MW, enough to supply up to 2.7 million families.

Built in record time (41 months) on the banks of the Teles Pires River, an affluent of the Tapajós River in the middle of the Amazon jungle, the project also paid close attention to the local fauna and flora. The plant was voted a model in the "Sustainable Development" category by the Chico Mendes International Institute for Socio-Environmental Research and Responsibility (Inpra). The Chico Mendes Socioenvironmental Award granted in 2014 provides a Green Seal in the Responsible Socioenvironmental Management category, certifying that the company's production process meets a set of standards that produce the lowest environmental impact compared with other, similar projects.

The Companhia Hidrelétrica Teles Pires (CHTP), whose shareholders are the Neoenergia Group (51%), FURNAS (24.5%) and Eletrosul (24.5%), is the consortium responsible for building and operating the Teles Pires Hydroelectric Plant (HEU Teles Pires).

Technical Data


  • Flooded area: 95 km²

Generator units

  • Quantity: 5


  • Type: Francis

Minimum installed capacity

  • 1,819.8 MW

Guaranteed power output

  • Average of 915.4 MW

Transmission Line

  • TL at 500 KV HEP Teles Pires: Coletora Norte Substation, 7,5 km DC