FURNAS and its employees have received numerous awards throughout its 61 years of history due to their competence, transparency and positive results. The FURNAS excellence can be seen in different areas and is the result of the work of committed managers and teams. Below are some of the awards the Company has achieved:
Women on Board (WOB) seal
FURNAS was one of 15 companies that received, in 2019, the Women on Board (WOB) seal, an acknowledgment to the corporations that have women on their boards of directors. Women on Board is an independent initiative supported by UN Women.
Empresas Mais
In 2018, FURNAS won the Empresas Mais second place award from Estadão in the Utility and Public Services category. The ranking, prepared in partnership with the risk classification agency Austin Rating and the FIA (Institute of Management Foundation), awarded the companies that most positively impacted its own industry.
Medalha da Inconfidência
The highest honor granted by the State of Minas Gerais, the Medalha da Inconfidência (Inconfidência Medal) was awarded to the president of FURNAS, Ricardo Medeiros, on April 2018, in the city of Tiradentes. The commendation is intended for citizens who contribute towards valuing the state of Minas Gerais.
Gold Seal of the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program
In 2018, the company's greenhouse gas inventory received the Gold Seal for the sixth consecutive year, during the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Brazilian Program of the Brazilian GHG Protocol (GHG Protocol). The award demonstrates the transparency of the information contained in the emissions inventory, as well as the commitment to combat the effects of climate change.
Transparency Award
In 2016, FURNAS was awarded the Transparency Trophy or the seventh time, an initiative by the National Association of Finance, Administration and Accounting Executives (Anefac), in partnership with the Accounting, Actuarial and Financial Research Institute Foundation (Fipecafi) and Serasa Experian, for its accounting information.
A3P – Best Sutainability Practices
In 2014, FURNAS was acknowledged twice in the 5th edition of the A3P Award - Best Sustainability Practices, granted by the Ministry of the Environment. The Vegetable Oil Reuse Program at the Central Office and the Implementation of Offshore Converter for Electricity Generation Using Sea Waves were awarded by the Ministry.
In 2016, the company won the Innovation in Public Management category, by introducing urban buses with electric traction. In the Waste Management category, the project that sought to apply lithium-ion stationary batteries in information and communication systems took second place.
Millennium Development Goals Award
Achieved in 2014, in recognition of programs and projects developed by the company in commitment with the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations (UN).
WEPs Award
In 2014, FURNAS received Gold medal at the WEPs Brazil Award and received silver in 2016 Silver (both in the Large-Size Company category). Also in 2016, the Real Grandeza Foundation received bronze in the same category, although this time it was among the Medium-sized Companies category. The award, endorsed by the UN Global Compact and UN Women, acknowledges the corporations that promote gender equality in their businesses and in the communities where they operate, based on the seven principles of Women's Empowerment.
Aberje Award
In 2014, FURNAS Educa, an educational program that engages children and adolescents in the conscious use of electricity and environmental preservation, won the 40th edition of the Aberje Award, in the Communication and Relationship with Society Rio de Janeiro - Espírito Santo category. This award is given by the Business Communication Association.
Legítimos da Sustentabilidade 2016 Ranking
The FURNAS Educa case was ranked fourth among the 17 finalists in the 2016 Legitimate Sustainability Ranking, selected by the Brazil Benchmarking Program, a pioneering initiative that provides certification to the best social and environmental practices.
The Benchmarking Ranking is one of the most respected Sustainability Certifications in Brazil. In the 2016 edition, specialists from several countries evaluated and selected the best Brazilian organizations and cases in the social and environmental practices category, rewarding organizations that treat sustainability as a new innovation front.
Pro-Gender and Race Equality Seal
The company was awarded all five editions of the Pro-Gender and Race Equality Program Seal by the National Secretariat for Women's Policies. This reflects the company's activities to develop a policy that promotes equal work opportunities for both genders.
Sports-Friendly Company Award
For three consecutive years (2012, 2013 and 2014), the company won the "Sports-Friendly Company" Award, granted by the Ministry of Sports, which honors companies that sponsor sports, including paralympic.
Certification of Combat Against Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents
In 2016, Childhood Brasil, an institution founded by Queen Silvia of Sweden, granted FURNAS the Certification of Combat Against Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents. This certification recognizes companies participating in the Business Pact against Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents on Brazilian Highways, supported by FURNAS since 2010.